Barbara Checcucci,
Born in: Savona, on January 16th, 1970
Married: Pesce
Italian, Owner of the restoration laboratory Checcucci Restauri
Professional field activity:
The restoration laboratory, active since 1992, aims to preserve, recover and exploit the artistic heritage and art works through archaeological, conservative and aesthetic restoration actions for private and public clients.
The restoration laboratory operates on terracotta, majolica, porcelain and glass with the same care, scrupulousness and ability. More over, it acts as an artistical advisor to private and public organizations for granting the safeguard of a unique artistic heritage.
Ligurian Archaeology Office,
Artistical and Historical Heritage Office of Liguria,
Artistical and Historical Heritage Office of Brera – Milan,
Artistical and Historical Heritage Office of Modena and Reggio Emilia,
Museum of Castello Sforzesco – Civiche Raccolte d’Arte applicata ed Incisioni,
Museum of Villa Gagnola – Gazzada, Varese,
Liechtenstein Museum – Wien,
Palatine Gallery – Florence,
Provincial Museums – Gorizia,
National Museum of Medieval and Modern Art – Arezzo,
Galleria delle Marche – Palazzo Ducale, Urbino,
Luxoro Museum – Genova Nervi,
Museums of Strada Nuova – Genova,
Museum Manlio Trucco – Albisola Superiore, Savona,
Contemporary Art Museum – Albissola Marina, Savona.
Other Activities:
2007: Castello Sforzesco – Milan: Presentation of the restoration of Piatto del Servito (Dish from the dinner set), Este Gonzaga;
2007, 2008, 2009: Co-operation with specialized magazines, such as Cose Antiche and La Gazzada.
Museums of Strada Nuova, Auditorium – Genova: Pottery and public collections: Problems of restorationConference of 22ndNovember 2005. Speech: The restoration on Majolica: from dinner-sets to chemists vases.
Private Institute Gonzaga – Milan. Antiquarian art courses – restoration teacher at Doc. Raffaella Ausenda lessons on pottery of the Seventeenth Century.
School for pottery modelling – Albisola Superiore, Savona. Technical assistant and teacher at hobby courses for pottery modelling.
Temporary exhibition Rassegna 2000, Palazzo Comunale (Town hall), Mostra di Pinerolo, organized by Regione Liguria.
Temporary exhibition Rassegna 2000, Palazzo della Provincia (County Hall).
Temporary exhibition Rassegna 2000, Palazzo della Provincia (County Hall).
June 1991: Professional qualification as Old and Antique Pottery restorer and keeper obtained at the Second Regional Course ofRestoration and keeping of old and antique pottery, School for pottery modelling, Albisola Superiore, Savona.
June 1989: Specialization course Pottery decorator, School for pottery modelling, Albisola Superiore, Savona.
School Year 1988/89: Specialization year at the Artistic School.
School Year 1987/88: A Levels in Arts achieved at Liceo Artistico Arturo Martini, votation 51/60.
Restoration for Public and Private Purchasers
Antique Porcelain and Pottery
January: Museum of Castello Sforzesco – civiche raccolte d’arte applicata ed incisioni – Milan.
- Preservative restoration of round plate with Adam and Eve, signed by Nicola da Urbino, majolica Urbino, 1525. Inv. No. 131 lent for the exhibition Raffaello e Urbino, Urbino, Galleria Nazionale della Marche, Palazzo Ducale, 5th April 2009 / 12thJuly 2009.
December: Museum of Castello Sforzesco – civiche raccolte d’arte applicata ed incisioni – Milan.
- Preservative restoration of the plate The Baptism of Christ emailed terracotta 41 x 41 x 6 cm, inv. No. 220, Firenze, Benedetto or Santi Buglioni, approximately 1510/20, lent for exhibition I Della Robbia, National Museum of Medieval and Modern Art, Arezzo, 23rd February 2009 / 7th June 2009.
April: Museum of Villa Cagnola, Gazzada, Varese. Palazzo Ducale spa, Genova.
- Preservative restoration on objects lent by Museum of Villa Cagnola, Gazzada, Varese, for the exhibition Il Trionfo della Grazia: l’arte del ‘700 europeo nelle ceramiche di Giacomo Boselli, Palazzo Rosso, 3rd May 2008 / 31stAugust 2008.
February: Municipal Museum – Genoa.
- Preservative restoration inkpot signed Giacomo Boselli granted to Villa Cagnola, Varese for the homonymous exhibition.
November: Provincial Museums – Gorizia.
- Preservative restoration on objects from Villa Cagnola, Varese for the exhibition Abitare il ‘700 (Living in 18th Century), November 2007 / February 2008, Palazzo Attems – Petzenstein, Gorizia.
March: Museum of Castello Sforzesco – civiche raccolte d’arte applicata ed incisioni – Milan.
- Preservative restoration of a big polychromatic majolica dish, subject Cirus of Persia (Dish-set of the dukes of Este), Bottega dei Patanazzi, Urbino, 1585.
February: Museum of Castello Sforzesco – civiche raccolte d’arte applicata ed incisioni – Milan.
- Preservative restoration of a big polychromatic majolica cup The Baptism of Christ, Fontana Handwork, Urbino, 16thCentury.
August: Museum of Castello Sforzesco – civiche raccolte d’arte applicata ed incisioni – Milan.
- Entrusting of preservative restoration of Gruppo di Cristo, il fariseo e la Maddaena (Group of Christ, the Pharisee and Mary Magdalene), porcelain Doccia, 1760, inv. P138, for the exhibition Anna Maria Luisa de’ Medici Elettrice Palatina(1667/1743), Florence, Pitti Palace, Palatine Gallery and Royal Apartments, 20th Dicembre 2006 / 15th April 2007.
August: Museum of Villa Cagnola, Gazzada, Varese.
- Preservative restoration of a centrepiece Della Terra e del Mare (Of Earth and Sea), porcelain Doccia, 1760 for the exhibition Baroque luxury porcelain 10th November 2005 / 19th January 2006, Liechtenstein Museum, Wien.
July: Museum of Castello Sforzesco – civiche raccolte d’arte applicata ed incisioni – Milan.
- Preservative restoration of Gruppo del giudizio di Paride (Group of the judgement of Paris), porcelain Doccia, 1760, inv. P79.
- Preservative restoration of the personification of Twilight, porcelain Doccia, 1760, inv. P35.
- Preservative restoration of Soup-Tureen with two handles, porcelain Doccia, 1760, inv. P2.
All restored for the exhibition Baroque luxury porcelain 10th November 2005 / 19th January 2006, Liechtenstein Museum, Wien.
June: Genoa Local Government, Museums – Mazzini Institute.
- Preservative restoration of a porcelain inkpot owned by Maria Mazzini.
May: Museum of Castello Sforzesco – civiche raccolte d’arte applicata ed incisioni – Milan.
- Preservative restoration of a Stagnone (Jug for water), polychromatic majolica from Savona or Albisola, 18th Century, inv. N° 1447.
January: Museum Luxoro, Genova Nervi.
- Preservative restoration of a cakestand in blue and white, 17th Century.
- Preservative restoration of a dish with decoration Birds and Parsley, 18th Century.
December: Genoa Local Government, Museums
- Preservative restoration of fifteen chemistry pottery vases, Merega handwork, coming from the Civiche Raccolte kept in Sant’Agostino.
June: A. DeMari Foundation and Cassa di Risparmio Bank, Savona.
- Preservative restoration on polychromatic majolica panel with roman soldier, 16th Century, kept by the Picture Gallery of Savona.
April: Savona Local Government.
- Preservative restoration of majolica jug, Merega handwork, for the exhibition Bianco/Blu, cinque secoli di ceramica in Liguria (White/Blue, five centuries of pottery in Luguria), Palazzo del Commissario, Priamar, Savona.
- Preservative restoration of a vase in White and Blue, signed by Musso brothers, 19th Century, for the exhibitionBianco/Blu, cinque secoli di ceramica in Liguria (White/Blue, five centuries of pottery in Luguria), Manlio Trucco Museum, Albisola Superiore, Savona.
March: Entrusting by Credito Valtellinese, Sondrio.
- Preservative restoration of ten pottery vases, 18th/19th Century.
November: A. DeMari Foundation, Savona.
- Restoration of a polychromatic majolica panel with roman soldier, second decade 16th Century.
May: Credito Valtellinese, Sondrio.
- Preservative restoration of eleven potteries, 18th/19th Century.
October: Credito Valtellinese, Sondrio.
- Preservative restoration of four potteries, 18th/19th Century.
February: Museum of Castello Sforzesco – civiche raccolte d’arte applicata ed incisioni – Milan.
- Preservative restoration of a tile for a step, Faenza, 15th Century, inv. M3, second half 15th Century.
- Restoration of polychromatic majolica Catino Bacellato (Fluted Basin), Faenza, 16th Century, inv. N° 88.
- Preservative restoration of Basin with light blue background, Padova, dated 1644 (Published in Le Ceramiche – Museo d’Arti Applicate 1st book, Electa 2000).
June: Museum of Castello Sforzesco – civiche raccolte d’arte applicata ed incisioni – Milan.
- Preservative restoration of amphora vase with lid, dated 1554, polychromatic majolica, Bottega Patanazzi, Urbino, for the exhibition Le ceramiche dei Duchi d’Este: dal guardaroba al collezionismo, Sassuolo, Duke Palace, 16thSeptember 19th November 2000 (published in the exhibition’s catalogue).
April: Albisola Superiore Local Government.
- Restoration of polychromatic majolica panel, signed Giovanni Giacomo Sciaccarama, dated 1554, on show at Manlio Trucco Museum, Albisola Superiore.
January: Casa Nostra Signora di Misericordia – Stefano Boagno Foundation, Celle Ligure.
- Restoration of twenty pottery vases of the old pharmacy owned by Casa Nostra Signora di Misericordia.
April: Stella San Giovanni Local Government.
- Restoration earthenware statuette of a biblical feminine figure, 19th Century.
May: Picture Gallery, Savona.
- Restoration of 22 vases from San Paolo collection, owned by the Picture Gallery, Savona, 17th Century.
March: Casa Nostra Signora di Misericordia – Stefano Boagno Foundation, Celle Ligure.
- Restoration of nineteen majolica vases from the old pharmacy, 18th Century, owned by Celle Ligure rest home.
May: Albisola Superiore Local Government.
- Restoration of terracotta disk panted in Bruno Manganese (Black Manganese), showing the Pietà, 19th Century, on show atManlio Trucco Museum, Archaeological section, Albisola Superiore.
- Restoration of cakestand in polychromatic majolica with San Bartholomew and the letters in capital SBA signed Lanterna, 18thCentury.
October: Ligurian Centre for the History of Pottery.
- Restoration of objects coming from the archaeological excavations in old Albisola kilns, on show at the didactic section ofManlio Trucco Museum.
February: San Benedetto Po Local Government, Mantova.
- Restoration of a graffito pottery jug, half 16th Century.
May: D.Perrando Museum Sassello, Savona.
- Restoration of a polychromatic majolica jug, 15th Century.
Restoration for public and private purchasers
Modern Pottery and Porcelain
April: Savona Local Government.
- Restoration of a Sabatelli plate for the exhibition Bianco/Blu, cinque secoli di ceramica in Liguria (White/Blue, five centuries of pottery in Luguria), Villa Faraggiana, Albissola Marina, Savona.
March: Attese Cultural Association.
- Preservative restoration of the pottery sculpture Attesa of A.Martini, on show at Manlio Trucco Museum, Albisola Superiore.
January: Savona Local Government.
- Restoration of a terracotta personification of La Contemplazione, Renata Cuneo, 1975.
May: Albissola Marina Local Government.
- Restoration of the panel Rencontre signed Sandro Cerchi, 1998, owned by the Municipal Collection.
- Preservative restoration of plate signed Elde, placed in the underpass Piazza del Popolo, Albissola Marina, Savona.
December: Savona Local Government.
- Restoration of three fireclay plates representing the Annunciation, the Nativity and the Flight into Egypt, signed Raimondi.
November: Manlio Trucco Museum, Albisola Superiore.
- Preservative restoration of sculptures Solitudine and Amanti, signed Francesco Messina, 1927.
- Restoration of terracotta vase, named Cacatue, signed by Manlio Trucco, 1950/60.
Both are published in the catalogue Manlio Trucco, 1884/1974, Pottery, furniture, paintings and drawings.
September: Albissola Marina Local Government.
- Restoration of the fireclay sculpture Il ritratto del Sindaco (ditto anche il re) signed by Asger Jorn, 1971.
April: Aligi Sassu srl, Milano.
- Mimetic restoration of the fireclay plate Crocefissione dated 1953, signed Aligi Sassu, catalogue page 108.
- Mimetic restoration of Cavallino rosa, majolica, signed Aligi Sassu, dated 1950, catalogue page 58.
- Mimetic restoration of Cavallo rampante, majolica, signed Aligi Sassu, dated 1950, catalogue page 77, on show at exhibition Aligi Sassu, l’opera ceramica, Museum of Contemporary Art, Albissola Marina, Savona.
April: Albissola Marina Local Government.
- Preservative restoration of polychromatic fireclay vase signed Garelli, 1954.
- Preservative restoration of emailed polychromatic terracotta plate, signed and dated Jorn ’70.
December: Albissola Marina Local Government.
- Restoration of the polychromatic plate from Albero della Memoria, Albissola 1998, Milena Milani, III Oscar 1998.
April: Albisola Superiore Local Government.
- Restoration of polychromatic pottery lid, Manlio Trucco, owned by Manlio Trucco Museum, Albisola Superiore.
April: APT Alassio, Savona.
- Restoration emailed polychromatic terracotta sculpture Pescatore con fisarmonica, on show at Manlio Trucco Museum, Albisola Superiore.
February: Camera di Commercio, Industria e Artigianato, Savona.
- Restoration of polychromatic pottery dish, signed Dario Ravano.
- Restoration of polychromatic pottery dish, signed Gandini.
December: Albisola Superiore Local Government.
- Restoration of engobed terracotta statuette and plate, N.Servettaz, Manlio Trucco Museum, Albisola Superiore.
- APT Alassio, Savona. Restoration of twenty one works of various artists, presented at different competitions, years 1954/64, granted commodate to Manlio Trucco Museum, Albisola Superiore.
- Restoration of four plates Pannello Luzzatti, on show at Manlio Trucco Museum, Albisola Superiore.
March: For the publication of La ceramica del ‘900 in Liguria – Cassa di Risparmio di Genova e Imperia.
- Restoration emailed polychromatic pottery vase, signed Manlio Trucco.
January: Associazione Ceramisti.
- Restoration of sculpture La Figulinaia, matt emailed polychromatic pottery, signed Umberto Piombino.